Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Dark Knight Trilogy


Bruce Wayne/Batman                                                 Christian Bale
Alfred Pennyworth                                                      Michael Caine
Rachel Dawes                                                             Katie Holmes/Maggie Gyllenhaal
James Gordon                                                             Gary Oldman
Lucius Fox                                                                  Morgan Freeman
Selina Kyle/Catwoman                                                Anne Hathaway
Robin John Blake                                                        Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow                                    Cillian Murphy
Ra’s al Ghul                                                                 Liam Neeson
Joker                                                                           Heath Ledger
Hervey Dent/Two-Face                                                Aaron Eckhart
Bane                                                                            Tom Hardy
Miranda Tate/Talia al Ghul                                             Marion Cotillard

Batman Begins (2005)
The movie starts out with a young Bruce Wayne running around with a young Rachel Dawes. However while playing he falls down a well where a group of bats come out of a whole scaring him. His father comes down saying the fames line of “Why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” The movie continues and we see how Bruce becomes an orphan and furthermore how he becomes the batman. As he starts off his crime fighting as batman we see how his skills and money give him the ability to overcome the obstacles. The movie as a slight twist towards the middle followed by a seat gripping climax.

The Dark Knight (2008)
               We see Bruce return as the Batman. The city of Gotham loves him and criminals are scared to do business with him around. However there’s a new enemy in town, and he isn’t clowning around. As the movie progresses we come to see how evil and twisted the joker is. That this man does not kill for business, or for any apparent reason, he does it because he likes to, or as the movie puts it “some men just want to watch the world burn”. It is a gripping story filled with lots of new toys for Batman to play with, as well as a few new characters. The movie has a somewhat depressing ending making you feel as if Batman is doomed.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
               In this final chapter of the Dark night Trilogy we see that Bruce as become several depressed since the last movie. It also seems as if the effects of running around the city jumping off buildings as taken its toll on Bruce. However we also meet Batman’s greatest enemy, Bane, who plans on destroying the whole city of Gotham and everyone in it. This movie seems to focus more on the effect that Batman has had on Bruce, both physically and mentally. 

               This is one of my personal favorite movie trilogies. It has all the parts of a great action movie, a guy with almost super human abilities, good looking girls, and explosions. What more could you ask for from an action film? How about the fact that it’s based in the DC universe and it involves one of the most beloved super heroes of all time. You know the one I’m talking about, he jumps off roof tops, is super rich, and drives that awesome car, that’s right it’s Batman.
               But in all seriousness this is a great film trilogy. The acting by all the different actors is absolutely amazing, gripping you and bringing you in making you feel as if you are by Batman’s side the whole time. One of the best actors in the whole trilogy in my opinion was Heath Ledger (Joker). His acting is what makes you believe that the Joker is an insane, brilliant, villain. The way he moves and talks just make the Joker seem so much more than your typical villain. But as his name would state, there’s also a dark sense of humor to him that Ledger pulls off so well. It think most of the people who have seen all three batman films would agree that the Joker is by far the darkest and most cunning of the villain. And that is because of how good the acting is that just drags you into the film.
               Not only is the acting spectacular, but the special effects are top-notch. This really comes out in the third movie where we see some truly amazing shots. Such as the Bat flying around Gotham blowing everything in its path up. While the special effects in a movie aren’t everything, they do help you enjoy what you are watching.
               I can’t think of many bad parts to the movie, however there was one scene that I felt wasn’t needed. And that was the Robin reveal scene. You were expecting it the whole time, and then he just says it at the end. There’s no buildup of suspense, it just says it for no reason. It almost seems as if it was just thrown in at the end to satisfy someone. I think it could have been written in much better, and in a way that would have built a lot more suspense so that when it was revealed you would actually be surprised. But besides that I found the trilogy very enjoyable to watch.

Rating as a trilogy: 8.5/10
Batman Begins: 8/10
The Dark Knight: 9/10
The Dark Knight Rises: 7.5/10

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